Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fathers day card

We made my husband a fathers day card today...It wasn't even done yet, I went to change Kaden and Declan was running down the stairs screaming DADDY DADDY I MADE YOU A CARD...SEEEE...I couldn't even be upset.  It was so cute!  We will have to make him another one for fathers day but here is the first card we made.  We had a really cute pic of elmo to put on the inside that Declan colored but it never got in there!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Newest package to haiti and togo

I have 2 packages I am ALOMST ready to send out and I wanted to share with you what I did so you can hopefully get some inspiration.

inside of my lapbooks.  top right NOT done yet.  It currently includes an intro photo album, pics of us at the zoo.  the bottom one contains a tic tac toe board, monkey and lion game pieces, 3 learn to draw pictures, and a zoo photo album and of course my letters!

The front of my lapbook...I recently went to the zoo so my theme this week is zoo
On the back I made a folder for coloring pages.  I put coloring pages with extras to give to their friends who did not get any (I just relized I spelled coloring wrong on the yellow one...oops)lol along with mazes and stickers
 One of the photo albums.
I always have soooo much I want to put into these it is hard to remember the 1/4 inch thickness. 


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Compassion journey

Nadine Jean from Haiti
I am so excited that I get to tell about my compassion journey.  Last month I started sponsoring a little girl from Haiti! She is 8 years old and her name is Nadine Jean!  What a wonderful name that was I thought!  I loved that it rhymed.  What a wonderful way to teach my two boys (ages 2 and 9 months) to love one another and help others in any way we can.  We pray for them every night together and Nadine has quickly became Dean Jean to Declan my 2 year old.  He prays she will get toys. What an innocent prayer coming from a 2 year old!  I also have a correspondent sponsor.  This means I write to her but someone else pays financially.  Her name is Sara and she is from Togo.  She is 13.   Wont you please help me pray for these two youngsters? 
I am so excited that I get to send paper gifts.  I already sent Nadine a lapbook with a photo album of my family, a world map with our countries starred and a picture of Jesus. I sent Sara some dominoes that I laminated and stickers and a puzzles to Nadine.  I am currently working on a crown and bracelet for Nadine and a inspirational picture for Sara. What gifts have you sent your sponser children?

Sara from Togo